Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why "The Communion of Saints"?

This blog, as its subtitle suggests (and its url summarizes succinctly) exists to share the challenges and joys that we will experience during our first year of transition into the culture of Honduras and the fellowship of Union Christian Church. We hope that it will be an easy way for us to communicate our experiences to those who love and support us in various ways.

So why call it "The Communion of Saints"?

The phrase "the communion of Saints" comes from the Apostles' Creed and one church dictionary defines it this way:
The communion of saints is the spiritual solidarity which binds together the faithful on earth and the saints in heaven in the organic unity of the same mystical body under Christ its head. (New Advent Encyclopedia)

As we head into a new country, a new church, and a new ministry, we are desirous of maintaining this "spiritual solidarity" with the churches and individuals that have shaped who we are in Christ and are supporting us as we move in new directions.

What's more, as we become a part of Union Christian Church, we sense in a very real way that we become a link between two distant church bodies that share in one "mystical body under Christ its head."

We hope that what we report through this blog might help you to remain in communion with us and deepen your union with Christ our Head.

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