Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gringo gazing

Just one of the many things that I don't understand:

Salespeople and so forth approach me assuming that I speak Spanish. While we were grocery shopping I was asked to do a survey about the products of one of the bottled water companies. I just don't think I have the sort of look that screams "Spanish-speaker."

On the other hand, the weirdest looks I get in public seem to be from people I identify as likely North American. I can't decide if they're just trying to guess why I'm here or if they secretly want to initiate conversation in English to confirm their suspicions.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that you pick up on that. We've found most gringos ignore each other in public. Weird, huh? I think you're on to something with the guess work factor. That's at least what I'm doing when I gringo gaze.
