Sunday, August 3, 2014

He's back?

In the event there is anyone out there still following the blog, you are likely surprised at this renewed activity. After all, as I see it, I have not posted for almost two years.
There were good reasons for stopping and are probably questionable ones for restarting. Indeed, I make no commitments as to the frequency of posts at this point.
But, I was asked recently about the blog and the questioner gently inquired whether I had any intention of taking it up again. This prompted a couple of thoughts and 'reasons' to return to it.
1. I enjoy writing and the blog gave me an excuse and outlet. I have others, of course. Articles for church, the odd book review. Those are fairly well-defined. The blog gives me a space to write freely just for practice about anything that interests me.
2. It also occurred to me that after three years here in Honduras what I see has changed. That first year blogging was filled with the oddities and excitement of first year experiences of life and ministry. The blog gave us a place to process some of those and share them with those of you who care about us. The number of quirky things we notice has dwindled with time, as one would expect. But with that and the passing time, we are in a position to see other things better, things about life and ministry that we didn't see before. And we still benefit from having a place to process through them, whether or not anyone is reading.
And so, we're back. Maybe. We'll see. I don't have a plan or a schedule for the blog. I may drop it again soon. It may change focus. We'll see. Either way, you're welcome to tag along.

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