Monday, August 11, 2014

Feathered neighbors

Since moving to Honduras I have become far more attentive to birds. This is in part because the range of bird song even in a neighborhood as urban as ours is often astounding. It is also because the birds here are so colorful. My experience of birds in the places I lived in the US is that neighborhood birds come in two colors: light brown and dark brown. This is unfair, of course. Some neighborhoods have cardinals. But birds in Honduras are so colorful compared to the species I tended to see in the states.

Here are some species that we have seen just in our neighborhood. Maybe in a later post I can show some of the species we've seen out and about. (The pictures are taken from various websites; they are not our photography.)
Bushy-Crested Jays
Great Kiskadee
White-eared Hummingbird
White-Throated Magpie Jay
And a species of oriole. I'm not sure it's this one, but it tends more orange than yellow. It might be this one, the Altamira Oriole. 

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