However, I had no qualms about displaying it publicly during our recent visit to the states because, quite frankly, I'm sure most people have no idea that it represents a country, never mind which one.
To my surprise, on two occasions when I wore it it occasioned comments from others. The first took place in a Chipotle restaurant in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. I had the following conversation with one of the employees.
"Where'd you get that jersey?"It turns out that he was born in Tegucigalpa and lived here until he was in his early teens whereupon he (and his family I presume) moved to New Jersey. We later had a bit longer conversation about the country and his and our thoughts about it.
"What? You been there or something?"
"We live there."
"Don't tell me you like it there?!"
On another day, this time in Harrisonburg, Virginia, I vaguely heard someone say something behind me. A second later they tried again and I caught the words, "Hey, Americano Catracho!"
I've never seen occasion used as a verb.